14 April 2020
– The Government approves a deferral on the quarterly payment of corporation tax for SMEs and the self-employed with a turnover of less than 600,000 euros.
– The International Monetary Fund has released its recent Preventive Economic Measures which forecasts a 3% drop in world GDP this year. The forecast for Spain is for an 8% contraction in GDP, with an unemployment rate that will exceed 20% at the end of 2020.
Documents of interest:
–Medidas aprobadas por el Gobierno de España ante la pandemia de COVID-19. A compilation of decisions taken to act in the face of the health and economic crisis.
–Iniciativas de la UE en apoyo a las pymes. Summary of the different initiatives launched by the European Union in response to the pandemic.
–Medidas de organismos internacionales. Actions by international organizations, such as the UN, the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank, in response to the coronavirus.